Truth and Lies About Self-Publishing

  This article originally appeared on August 25, 2015 in Women Writers, Women’s Books.  Some say self-publishing is the greatest invention since sliced bread. Others say it’s ruining the industry. A lot of people have weighed in on this hugely popular phenomenon. Now, it’s my turn. I’ll address a few commonly held ideas and say […]


    This story first appeared in Clark College’s 2003 Fiction and Poetry chapbook as their first place fiction winner, chosen by judge Gina Ochner   Fance thought she could get it done over in Odessa. A girl from the coffee shop went there for hers, and was back to work the next day.  She […]

Overcoming Writer’s Block

originally published August 3, 2015 in Prose We’ve all had it, that moment when nothing comes to mind. Our words stare back at us, asking to be fleshed out, continued, fulfilled, and we can do nothing to help them. Our protagonist has gotten herself stuck firmly this time, and is going nowhere fast. The most […]

When It’s Time To Move On And Abandon Your Novel

WHEN IT’S TIME TO MOVE ON AND ABANDON YOUR NOVEL originally published July 9, 2015 in Prose  Leonardo Da Vinci said,“Art is never finished, only abandoned.” This is true for every short story I ever wrote, whether it was published, or not. The published pieces, upon subsequent reading months or years after the fact reveal […]

Tips on Getting Feedback

  Originally appeared in Women Writers, Women’s Book, July 2nd, 2015 Writers hear it all the time – connect with your reader. Give the reader what he wants. Manager her expectations. Don’t confuse them. Surprise them. Keep them interested. These are all worthy goals, but they’re after the fact. First, you write, then you get […]

Career or Calling? Thoughts on the Writing Life, by Anesa Miller

Today I’m pleased to host Anesa Miller as she shares her thoughtful essay, “Career or Calling? Thoughts on the Writing Life.” Anesa’s debut novel, Our Orbit is now available from BookTrope. Buy links appear at the bottom of this page. Nine-year-old Miriam Winslow never wore new clothes, never had a haircut, and believes that sinners […]

Keeping The Flame Lit

originally published in Women Writers, Women’s Book June 4, 2015  Writing is hard work. We all know that, right? We take an idea, move it along, push it this way, that way, leave it alone, return to it, and sometimes scratch it altogether. Once we’ve got something substantial, we tear it all apart and put […]

Why I Write – Lawrence Parlier

I’m always inspired by how other writers find their way. I asked my friend and colleague, Lawrence Parlier, to share his story with me. Lawrence’s debut novel, Sierra Court Blues, was published in 2013. Read my review here.       Why I Write (Or the unintended consequence of loquaciousness)   I’ve always been a […]

The Homemade Book Tour

Once upon a time, writers wrote books, got them published, and were deliriously happy! Not anymore. Now, along with being deliriously happy, authors must do a number of things to get their book in front of readers, quite often at their own expense. These include giving readings both where they’re known, and where they’re not. […]